Son-Shine Summer Title Horizontal

Totally True Tales

Welcome to the TOTALLY tubular world of the BOARD GAMES! Hange ten with us over the next several weeks for a TOTALLY epic ride. Slap on your sunscreen and get ready for truly INCREDIBLE truths about God as we study some almost UNBELIEVABLE lessons from God's word that is TOTALLY TRUE!
Memory Verse:
"Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness. Let the whole world know what He has done. Sing to Him; yes, sing His praises. Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds."
Psalm 105:1-2
Week 1

WOAH! God is Merciful and Just!

Bible Lesson

God Saves His Creation - Genesis 6-9

Table Talk Questions

  1. How long did it rain when Noah and his family got inside the ark?
  2. What was the first thing Noah did, when he and his family got off the ark?
  3. What does the rainbow represent?
  4. What are ways that you can obey God?
Week 2

AWESOME! God is All-Powerful!

Bible Lesson

God Parts the Red Sea - Exodus 14-15

Table Talk Questions

  1. Who was the only person not scared of the Egyptian army?
  2. How did God save His people from the Egyptian army?
  3. What does it mean when we say God is "omnipotent"? [i]
  4. Is it ever difficult to trust God? Why or why not?
Week 3

INCREDIBLE! God is unbeatable!

Bible Lesson

God Lets a Donkey Speak - Numbers 22-24

Table Talk Questions

  1. Why did Balaam agree to see the king of Moab?
  2. Who spoke to Balaam on his way to Moab?
  3. What did Balaam's donkey see that Balaam did not see on their way to Moab?
  4. What are ways we can listen and know what God wants from us in our lives?
Week 4

WOW! God is sovereign!

Bible Lesson

God Stops Time - Joshua 10

Table Talk Questions

  1. What does "sovereign" mean? [i]
  2. How many armies did Joshua fight?
  3. How did God fight for Israel in Joshua 10?
Week 5

OUTSTANDING! There is no one like God!

Bible Lesson

God Sends Fire and Rain - 1 Kings 18

Table Talk Questions

  1. How many prophets of Baal and Asherah did King Ahab bring to the contest on Mt. Carmel?
  2. How did God show His power when Elijah prepared his sacrifice and prayed?
  3. How can you stand up for God this week?
Week 6

PHENOMINAL! God is greater than our situation!

Bible Lesson

God Brings Bones to Life - Ezekiel 37

Table Talk Questions

  1. In Ezekiel's vision, what was the valley filled with?
  2. What sound did Ezekiel hear when he began preaching?
  3. What did God make out of the valley of dry bones?
  4. How do you think God gives us new life as Christians?
Week 7

FANTASTIC! God knows everything!

Bible Lesson

God Catches a Fish - Matthew 17

Table Talk Questions

  1. How did Jesus pay the Temple Tax for Himself and Peter?
  2. How does it make you feel, when you have to give up something you believe you deserve?
  3. Can you think of three ways to give up your rights so that people will listen to you talk about Jesus?
Week 8

AMAZING! God is stronger than death!

Bible Lesson

God Raises Lazarus to Life - John 11

Table Talk Questions

  1. Who were Lazarus' sisters?
  2. Why did Jesus wait to go to Mary and Martha's house?
  3. How long was Lazarus dead before Jesus brought him back to life?
  4. What are three things you have learned during this series that have surprised you?
Series Main