Thank you for helping our local ministries with their current needs.
Click the button to give (under "Fund," select "Missions).

October is

Missions Month

Mark 16:15

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

In Luke 19, Jesus tells the parable of a wealthy landowner who gave a large amount of money to his servants to invest for him until he returned. One of the servants disappointed him by being fearful and hiding the investment without earning any interest. The other two servants were rewarded for their bold initiative and productivity. As the body of Christ, we want to use and multiply the resources God gives us to do His will and further the kingdom of God.

Second Baptist Church is a body of believers willing and eager to share what we have with others — from monetary gains, time, energy in service — to sharing the gospel. In sharing, serving and giving, we trust God to multiply our work beyond what is humanly possible.

Give Now

Dear Second Family,

Throughout the year, Second Family members demonstrate their commitment to our church’s longstanding mission to be a beacon of light and hope in our community and around the world. I am filled with gratitude for the difference you make as you serve and give to touch the lives of those who face the harsh realities of homelessness, hunger, broken families, and the devastating effects of human trafficking. Whether here in Houston or on mission trips across the globe, you provide a helping hand, a healing touch, and the good news of the gospel.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to serve others. Jesus set the example for us as He served others, washed the feet of His disciples, and hung out with those who were “down and out” and often overlooked. That is why we set aside the month of October as Missions Month, which this year has a goal of $1.75 million (over and above giving to our General Operating Budget). Locally, our financial gifts will be used to support the work of our many ministry partners who provide shelter, food, medical care, and other vital services that meet people right where they are with the love of Jesus and the transforming message of God’s grace. Internationally, our gifts will undergird the work of missionaries who serve in Asia and Africa, support organizations providing much-needed humanitarian aid, and plant churches in new areas of ministry.

We are all called to serve, and we can all do something. Please prayerfully consider how you can serve through your financial support during Missions Month.

Ben Young

Missions Offering Goal

$1.75 Million

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. – Philippians 2:3-4

Local Ministries: $1,000,000

Homeless Ministries

In the Greater Houston Area, thousands of individuals – men, women, and children– are experiencing homelessness. Our ministry partners are dedicated to offering comprehensive support that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of this vulnerable population. By providing housing, workforce training, substance abuse programs, financial literacy education, and life management skills, they aim to empower individuals on their journey to stability.

Family Ministries

The nuclear family is the foundation of society. Our ministry partners are committed to restoring dignity and wholeness to families in need, while sharing the message of the Gospel. They work across the city, offering support to single mothers, providing college and career preparation for students, assisting with meals and clothing, and offering employment services and financial guidance to parents.

Pregnancy Care Ministries

Our pregnancy care ministries are dedicated to helping women find hope and reclaim joy during their pregnancies. Your contributions will support expectant mothers with free reproductive healthcare, including ultrasounds, prenatal care courses, diapers, and baby clothing. These ministries not only address maternal needs, but also share the hope of the Gospel with these women.

Human Trafficking Ministries

Houston is the epicenter of human trafficking in the United States. Our ministry partners are committed to ending this tragedy in our city through awareness, intervention, and restoration. They offer support to rescued victims and tirelessly work to raise awareness through events, seminars, and educational training.

International & Other

International Missionaries: $150,000

The reach of the Second Family spans the globe, touching lives in every corner through our support of 37 international missionaries. These dedicated servants bring the light of Christ to bustling cities in Asia and remote villages in Africa. The Mission Offering empowers them to continue their vital work, sharing the love of Jesus with those who need it most, even in the most challenging environments.

Prison & Jail Ministries: $100,000

The Gospel knows no bounds. Through our ministry partners, the transformative message of Christ penetrates even the darkest cells. These partners faithfully preach the Gospel, distribute Bibles, offer counseling, and train prisoners to become missionaries within their own walls. Our support helps these ministries provide resources for reentry, guiding former inmates to rebuild their lives on the foundation of faith.

New Mission Opportunities

Feeding Children Around the World: $100,000

As our church grows, the Second Family seeks to extend its compassion across the globe. We are partnering with organizations that will meet tangible needs and provide humanitarian aid to those who are impoverished, hungry, and hurting. This year, the Second Family is partnering to help feed one million underserved children each day.

International Church Planting: $100,000

The 10/40 window, spanning 68 countries from Northern Africa through the Middle East to Asia, is home to thousands of unreached people groups. In 2025, through strategic partnerships, the Second Family will plant two churches in this spiritually desolate region, bringing the Gospel to those who have never heard its message of hope and salvation.

Wilderness Branch Baptist Church: $300,000

Founded in 1902, Wilderness Branch Baptist Church in Richmond, Texas, has been a steadfast beacon of hope for over a century. Recently, this church embarked on a journey to build a new sanctuary, only to face significant setbacks due to dishonest contractors. The Second Family is stepping in to support Wilderness Branch, ensuring they can continue their mission to serve and uplift their community with the love of Christ.

Rebuilding Together Houston

Rebuilding Together Houston repairs homes belonging to low income, elderly, physically disabled and/or US military veterans. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

The Source for Women of Houston

The Source for Women offers a wide range of free reproductive health care services to women and their families from three locations: Spring Branch, Galleria and Northeast Houston. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

Boys & Girls Country

Boys and Girls Country provides a home and loving care to children from families in crisis. Most of the 100 desktop workstations are 2008 models and are too old to upgrade to Windows 10. Your gift will help upgrade technology needs.

Camp Hope

Camp Hope provides interim housing for Wounded Warriors suffering from PTSD. Veterans and their immediate family members benefit from an intensive peer support and mentoring program, as well as a comprehensive PTSD recover program. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

Free the Captives

Free the Captives is a faith-based organization fighting sex trafficking of girls ages 12-14 years in Houston. They provide rescued victims with support groups, mentoring, jobs, material assistance, and other direct services. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

Open Door Mission

This faith and evidence-based recovery and rehabilitation program and facility is dedicated to transforming the lives of the most severely addicted, destitute, homeless and disabled men in our community. Their commercial kitchen feeds 300 hot meals per day. Your gift will help purchase a new convection steamer.

2025 Mission Trips

Below is a list of the mission trips we will be taking in the upcoming year. To apply, click the link below.

Apply Here


May 2025


June 2025


July 2025


July 2025


August 2025


October 2025


October 2025

Local Ministries

  • Other
  • A.D. Players

    A.D. Players presents compelling theatre, from a Christian worldview, that engages a diverse audience. As the theater has grown, the need to improve technology infrastructure has become apparent. Your gift will go toward purchasing a new state-of-the-art lobby projector.
  • Family
  • Children & Youth
  • Agape Development

    Agape’s children and teen ministries bring hope and transformation to the youth of the Third Ward. Their teen program provides safe and enriching activities for middle and high school-age children and an opportunity to develop positive relationships with adults. Your gift will support program-related expenses.
  • Children & Youth
  • Boys & Girls Country

    Boys and Girls Country provides a home and loving care to children of families in crisis. Many of the cottages are more than 40 years old and require constant upkeep to ensure that they are safe and functional. Your gift will go toward cottage repairs.
  • Family
  • Buckner Family Hope Center – Aldine

    Family Hope Centers seek to live out the gospel and keep families together by providing them with critical services, aid, and coaching so that they eventually break free from poverty. Your gift will go toward new plumbing for the children’s area at the Aldine Family Hope Center as well as sheetrock repair and painting at the Reed Road Family Hope Center

    Erin Ratcliffe - Volunteer Coordinator

  • Family
  • Buckner Family Hope Center – Cornerstone

    Family Hope Centers seek to live out the gospel and keep families together by providing them with critical services, aid, and coaching so that they eventually break free from poverty. Your gift will go toward new plumbing for the children’s area at the Aldine Family Hope Center as well as sheetrock repair and painting at the Reed Road Family Hope Center

    Erin Ratcliffe - Volunteer Coordinator

  • Children & Youth
  • C.E.N.T.E.R. Ministries

    This Christ-centered organization works with at-risk children in West Houston. Your gift will provide a nutritious hot meal twice per week to 100 children in addition to purchasing family Bibles to encourage a deep spiritual heritage.
  • Special Needs
  • Children & Youth
  • Camp Blessing

    This week-long Christian summer camp is designed for children and young adults with physical, developmental, and/or intellectual disabilities who are unable to participate in traditional camp activities. Your gift will help purchase a new mechanical lift for the Camp Blessing friends in wheelchairs.
  • Other
  • Camp Hope

    Camp Hope provides interim housing for Wounded Warriors suffering from PTSD. Veterans and their immediate family members benefit from an intensive peer support and mentoring program as well as a comprehensive PTSD recovery program. Your gift will go toward ministry needs.
  • Pregnancy Assistance
  • Care Net Pregnancy Center

    Also known as Northwest Pregnancy Center, this agency serves women who are at risk for abortions in the Champions and Cypress areas of the city. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.
  • Sex Trafficking
  • Elijah Rising

    Elijah Rising’s mission is to end sex trafficking in the city of Houston through programs that focus on awareness, intervention, restoration, and prayer. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.
  • Sex Trafficking
  • Free the Captives

    Free the Captives is a faith-based organization fighting sex trafficking of girls ages 12-14 years in Houston. They provide rescued victims with support groups, mentoring, jobs, material assistance, and other direct services. Your gift will support ministry needs.
  • Sex Trafficking
  • Freedom Alliance

    Churches United to End Human Trafficking in the Houston area collaborates with multiple anti-trafficking organizations to bring awareness to the community through events, seminars, and educational training. Your gift will support ministry needs.
  • Family
  • Children & Youth
  • Generation One

    Working in the Third Ward, Generation One empowers children and families to thrive through high-quality early education, after-school programming, and family support. Your gift will go toward purchasing technology upgrades.
  • Children & Youth
  • Gospel Lakes Ranch

    Gospel Lakes’ goal is to evangelize children with the gospel and disciple them in the Word of God through day camp for local churches and inner-city kids. Your gift will go toward purchasing a tractor and mower needed to keep the campgrounds maintained properly.

    Bennie Hasha - Executive Director

  • Family
  • Homeless
  • Children & Youth
  • Gracewood

    Gracewood is a transitional housing and family-care program that exists to strengthen single-parent families at risk for homelessness. Your gift will go toward replacing and upgrading appliances for one of the Cottages and garage apartments.
  • Children & Youth
  • Hope for Youth

    Hope for Youth reaches at-risk urban youth with the love of Christ through Christian mentoring relationships. They offer the College and Career Prep (CCP) program to students in early high school who are usually going to be first generation college students. Your gift will provide for the CCP program.
  • Other
  • Hospitality Apartments

    Hospitality Apartments provides free, temporary housing for families who are facing a healthcare crisis and who have a family member receiving treatment at the Texas Medical Center. Your gift will go toward replacement of the electric ranges in each of the 46 apartments.

    Marcie Evans - Volunteer Coordinator

  • Sex Trafficking
  • Other
  • Katy Christian Ministries

    Katy Christian Ministries helps local families and individuals fight poverty, food insecurity, domestic violence, and sexual assault through their social services programs, crisis center, food pantry, and resale store. Your gift will go toward implementing a new Volunteer Management Software Solution system.

    Diana Miller - Volunteer Coordinator

  • Children & Youth
  • Kids’ Meals

    Kids’ Meals delivers free, healthy meals to the doorsteps of Houston’s hungriest preschool-aged children. Your gift will support the purchase and installation of A/C units for the rear cabins of their Meal Delivery Vans.
  • Pregnancy Assistance
  • LifeHouse of Houston

    This Christian maternity home offers women cost-free lodging, meals, pre-natal care, life skills training, and counseling. The women are cared for until the baby arrives or until they secure alternative living arrangements. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.
  • Children & Youth
  • Loving Kids

    Loving Kids is a collaborative community outreach that helps meet the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of the Acres Homes communities through programs supporting five elementary schools. Your gift will help upgrade and continue these vibrant programs.
  • Children & Youth
  • Miracle Farm

    Miracle Farm is a working ranch in rural Washington County that provides a safe environment for boys. The school building, built 24 years ago, needs new and durable flooring, fresh coats of paint, and window repairs. Your gift will help purchase new desks and bookshelves as well as go toward needed renovations to the school building.
  • Other
  • Family
  • Mission Centers of Houston

    Mission Centers of Houston serves over 18,000 people per year through their food pantry. About 200 meals are processed each week in the kitchen. Your gift will go toward the renovation of the kitchen at the Gano Mission Center.
  • Family
  • Mission Northeast

    Mission Northeast provides food, clothing, and household items to more than 25,000 people who are working to break the cycle of poverty in their lives. Your gift will go toward retrofitting their Ford F550 truck with a refrigerated box to ensure food safety in transport.
  • Children & Youth
  • Homeless
  • Mission of Yahweh

    Through both its residential and community programming, the Mission of Yahweh has a goal to serve more than 400 homeless women and children through housing, basic needs, case management, supportive services, and tailored programming. Your gift will go toward the purchase and installation of six electric hand dryers, the purchase of a steam table for the commercial kitchen, and replacement of a privacy fence.
  • Children & Youth
  • Neighborhood Kidz Club

    Neighborhood Kidz Club serves the residents of Western Pines, Garden Villa, Trinity Duval, and The Summit mobile home communities in Katy. Your gift will go toward the purchase, move, and installation of a new single-wide trailer at Western Pines to be used for ministry and office space.
  • Homeless
  • Open Door Mission

    This faith- and evidence-based recovery and rehabilitation program and facility is dedicated to transforming the lives of the addicted, destitute, homeless, and disabled men in our community. Your gift will go toward purchasing three HVAC condensing units and air handlers as well as kitchen roof repairs.
  • Pregnancy Assistance
  • Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston

    This agency provides free and confidential care for those facing crisis and unplanned pregnancies. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Dina Purdy - Volunteer Coordinator

  • Senior Adult
  • Other
  • Rebuilding Together Houston

    Rebuilding Together Houston enlists community volunteers and licensed contractors to repair the homes of low-income elderly, U.S. Military Veterans, homeowners with disabilities, and working families in need. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.
  • Children & Youth
  • Family
  • Sports Quest

    This ministry shares biblical truth to reach, teach, and encourage the next generation leaders through soccer. Your gift will help purchase four full-size soccer goals and Bibles for distribution to kids through the ministry.
  • Children & Youth
  • Family
  • SpringSpirit

    SpringSpirit weekly serves 600 children and their families who live in unsafe, high-density apartment complexes. Your gift will go toward netting and fence maintenance around the soccer fields at the Campbell Campus location.

    Juan Ramirez - Volunteer Coordinator - Pitner | Ana Mendoza – Volunteer Coordinator - Campbell

  • Homeless
  • Family
  • Star of Hope

    This Christ-centered community is dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men at the Men’s Development Center, as well as women and their children at the Cornerstone Campus. Educational classrooms are paramount to programs and classes for their clients at the center. Your gift will provide for air conditioning for the educational wing at the Men’s Development Center.
  • Homeless
  • Star of Hope – Doris and Carloss Morris Men’s Development Center 

    This Christ-centered community is dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men at the Men’s Development Center, as well as women and their children at the Cornerstone Campus. Educational classrooms are paramount to programs and classes for their clients at the center. Your gift will provide for air conditioning for the educational wing at the Men’s Development Center.

    Altonette Terrance - Volunteer Coordinator

  • Homeless
  • Family
  • Star of Hope – Women & Family Development Center Cornerstone Community

    This Christ-centered community is dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men at the Men’s Development Center, as well as women and their children at the Cornerstone Campus. Educational classrooms are paramount to programs and classes for their clients at the center. Your gift will provide for air conditioning for the educational wing at the Men’s Development Center.

    Altonette Terrance - Volunteer Coordinator

  • Children & Youth
  • Stoney Creek Ranch

    Stoney Creek is a nondenominational Christian camp located in New Ulm, TX. Hillside, a camp perfectly designed for older teens and better suited to accommodate adult retreat visitors, will include six new cabins. Your gift will help provide cabin furniture for these cabins.
  • Other
  • SW Baptist Theological Seminary (Darrington Extension Unit)

  • Other
  • Special Needs
  • The Brookwood Community

    Brookwood operates a 485-acre community for adults with special needs. Horticulture, Brookwood’s largest enterprise, provides work for more than 100 Citizens who grow more than 200,000 plants annually. Your gift will go toward renovations of the main Horticulture building.
  • Other
  • The Gathering of Men

    The Gathering of Men’s goal is to disciple men to a mature relationship in Jesus Christ through small group discipleship programs and large group gatherings. Your gift will go toward ministry needs.

  • Other
  • Family
  • West Houston Assistance Ministries

    West Houston Assistance Ministries helps families in crisis by providing them with food, clothing, employment services, and financial help. Your gift will provide for office building maintenance and exterior paintwork.
  • Children & Youth
  • Yellowstone Academy

    Yellowstone Academy provides a high-quality Christian education to inner city students in the Third Ward. A reading nook inside the new library to include seating, shelving, partitions, and specific books is planned. Your gift will go toward the reading nook and related resources.

    A.D. Players

    The A.D. Players is a long-running performing arts venue with a main stage, children’s theater & year round workshops. 
    A.D. Players presents compelling theatre, from a Christian worldview, that engages a diverse audience. As the theater has grown, the need to improve technology infrastructure has become apparent. Your gift will go toward purchasing a new state-of-the-art lobby projector.

    Agape Development

    Agape’s children and teen ministries bring hope and transformation to the youth of Houston’s Third Ward. The Backyard Bible Club provides a safe, after school alternative for unsupervised children. The Agape Shaved Ice Program helps middle and high school students develop entrepreneurial skills.
    Agape’s children and teen ministries bring hope and transformation to the youth of the Third Ward. Their teen program provides safe and enriching activities for middle and high school-age children and an opportunity to develop positive relationships with adults. Your gift will support program-related expenses.

    Amanda Garner - Volunteer Coordinator

    Amazing Place

    Amazing Place provides fellowship, memory care and wellness for adults with mild to moderate memory loss and support to their families and the community. 

    Susie Howard - Volunteer Coordinator

    Arrow Child & Family Ministries

    Arrow Child & Family Ministries serves children rescued from abuse through foster care. Our residential programs provide those children with a temporary home-like environment where they can be evaluated, receive treatment, and prepare for a more permanent placement. 

    Leslie Roberson – Volunteer Coordinator

    Beltway 8 South Crisis Pregnancy Center

    This center provides free and confidential support services for those involved in unplanned pregnancies. 
    This center provides free and confidential support services for those involved in unplanned pregnancies. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Jean Killough – Executive Director

    Boys & Girls Country

    Boys and Girls Country provides a home and loving care to children from families in crisis. 
    Boys and Girls Country provides a home and loving care to children of families in crisis. Many of the cottages are more than 40 years old and require constant upkeep to ensure that they are safe and functional. Your gift will go toward cottage repairs.

    Susan Breaux - Volunteer Coordinator

    The Brookwood Community

    Brookwood operates a 485-acre community in Brookshire for adults with special needs. 
    Brookwood operates a 485-acre community for adults with special needs. Horticulture, Brookwood’s largest enterprise, provides work for more than 100 Citizens who grow more than 200,000 plants annually. Your gift will go toward renovations of the main Horticulture building.

    Tawana Goodwin - Volunteer Coordinator

    Buckner Family Hope Center – Aldine

    Family Hope Centers seek to live out the Gospel and keep families together by providing them with critical services, aid and coaching so that they eventually break free from poverty. 
    Family Hope Centers seek to live out the gospel and keep families together by providing them with critical services, aid, and coaching so that they eventually break free from poverty. Your gift will go toward new plumbing for the children’s area at the Aldine Family Hope Center as well as sheetrock repair and painting at the Reed Road Family Hope Center

    Erin Ratcliffe - Volunteer Coordinator

    Buckner Family Hope Center – Cornerstone

    Family Hope Centers seek to live out the Gospel and keep families together by providing them with critical services, aid and coaching so that they eventually break free from poverty. 
    Family Hope Centers seek to live out the gospel and keep families together by providing them with critical services, aid, and coaching so that they eventually break free from poverty. Your gift will go toward new plumbing for the children’s area at the Aldine Family Hope Center as well as sheetrock repair and painting at the Reed Road Family Hope Center

    Erin Ratcliffe - Volunteer Coordinator

    C.E.N.T.E.R. Ministries

    This Christ-centered organization works with at-risk children in West Houston to equip them to meet life’s challenges through educational mentoring and life skills development. 
    This Christ-centered organization works with at-risk children in West Houston. Your gift will provide a nutritious hot meal twice per week to 100 children in addition to purchasing family Bibles to encourage a deep spiritual heritage.

    Mark Trotter

    Camp Blessing

    This week-long Christian summer camp is designed for children and young adults with physical, developmental, and/or intellectual disabilities who are unable to participate in traditional camp activities. 
    This week-long Christian summer camp is designed for children and young adults with physical, developmental, and/or intellectual disabilities who are unable to participate in traditional camp activities. Your gift will help purchase a new mechanical lift for the Camp Blessing friends in wheelchairs.

    Emily Clodfelter - Volunteer Coordinator

    Camp Hope

    Camp Hope provides interim housing for Wounded Warriors suffering from PTSD. Veterans and their immediate family members benefit from an intensive peer support and mentoring program as well as a comprehensive PTSD recovery program. 
    Camp Hope provides interim housing for Wounded Warriors suffering from PTSD. Veterans and their immediate family members benefit from an intensive peer support and mentoring program as well as a comprehensive PTSD recovery program. Your gift will go toward ministry needs.

    Christy Carbaugh - Volunteer Coordinator

    Care Net Pregnancy Center

    Also known as Northwest Pregnancy Center, this agency serves women who are at risk for abortions in the Champions and Cypress areas of the city. 
    Also known as Northwest Pregnancy Center, this agency serves women who are at risk for abortions in the Champions and Cypress areas of the city. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Jerrie Amos - Volunteer Coordinator

    Christ Clinic

    Christ Clinic offers high quality healthcare and health related services to those who are uninsured or underinsured. 
    Christ Clinic offers high-quality healthcare and health-related services to those who are uninsured or underinsured. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Michelle Shelton - Volunteer Coordinator

    Cornerstone Family Ministries

    This multi-cultural, faith-based organization serves low-income apartment complexes in the Spring Branch area. 

    Amanda Etheredge - Volunteer Coordinator

    Covenant House

    Covenant House Texas provides shelter for homeless, abused and abandoned youth ages 18-24. 

    Tiffany Salinas - Volunteer Coordinator

    Cypress Assistance Ministries

    Cypress Assistance Ministries serves individuals and families in financial crisis, those on the brink of homelessness, the elderly, the unemployed and anyone that needs hope for a better future.  

    Elizabeth Bustillos - Volunteer Coordinator

    Elijah Rising

    The mission of Elijah Rising is to end sex trafficking in the city of Houston through programs that focus on awareness, intervention, restoration and prayer. 
    Elijah Rising’s mission is to end sex trafficking in the city of Houston through programs that focus on awareness, intervention, restoration, and prayer. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Kanah Jones - Volunteer Coordinator

    Family Promise of Lake Houston

    Family Promise of Lake Houston brings together service agencies and local volunteers to provide safe, temporary housing, meals and support services to homeless families. 

    Tiffany Venekamp - Volunteer Coordinator

    Fellowship of Christian Athletes

    The vision of FCA is to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. This is pursued through the strategy of “to and through the coach” – ministry first to coaches’ hearts, marriages, and families then through coaches to their fellow coaches, teams, and athlete leaders.

    Chris McInturff

    Forgotten Angels

    Forgotten Angels serves people living with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities by providing residential facilities, vocational opportunities and enrichment activities. 

    Jill Shockley - Volunteer Coordinator

    Free the Captives

    Free the Captives is a faith-based organization fighting sex trafficking of girls ages 12-14 years in Houston, They provide rescued victims with support groups, mentoring, jobs, material assistance, and other direct services. 
    Free the Captives is a faith-based organization fighting sex trafficking of girls ages 12-14 years in Houston. They provide rescued victims with support groups, mentoring, jobs, material assistance, and other direct services. Your gift will support ministry needs.

    Freedom Alliance

    The Alliance is a growing movement of churches united to fight human trafficking.  A church united and empowered by the Spirit, working alongside and strengthening anti-trafficking organizations, can transform our city. 
    Churches United to End Human Trafficking in the Houston area collaborates with multiple anti-trafficking organizations to bring awareness to the community through events, seminars, and educational training. Your gift will support ministry needs.

    Christa Freyhof - Development & Operations Manager

    Generation One

    Generation One is committed to the spiritual growth and physical rebuilding of the impoverished areas of the Third Ward. 
    Working in the Third Ward, Generation One empowers children and families to thrive through high-quality early education, after-school programming, and family support. Your gift will go toward purchasing technology upgrades.

    James Hammonds - Volunteer Coordinator

    Goodwill Industries

    Goodwill provides training, skills development and work opportunities for people with disabilities and other barriers to employment.  
    Each year, Goodwill partners with our church to provide clothing certificates to the children and families who come to our Angels of Light Christmas program. Your gift will support our partnership.

    Julie Copeland - Volunteer Coordinator

    Gospel Lakes Ranch

    Day camp for local churches and inner-city kids. Our goal is to evangelize children with the gospel and disciple them in the word of God. 
    Gospel Lakes’ goal is to evangelize children with the gospel and disciple them in the Word of God through day camp for local churches and inner-city kids. Your gift will go toward purchasing a tractor and mower needed to keep the campgrounds maintained properly.

    Bennie Hasha - Executive Director


    Gracewood is a transitional housing and family-care program that exists to strengthen single-parent families at risk for homelessness. 
    Gracewood is a transitional housing and family-care program that exists to strengthen single-parent families at risk for homelessness. Your gift will go toward replacing and upgrading appliances for one of the Cottages and garage apartments.

    Jenny Snow - Volunteer Coordinator

    Hope for Youth

    Hope for Youth reaches at-risk, urban teenagers. Jesus ‘n the Hood is a week-long summer program designed to expose youth to the Gospel through relevant and engaging speakers, musicians and activities. 
    Hope for Youth reaches at-risk urban youth with the love of Christ through Christian mentoring relationships. They offer the College and Career Prep (CCP) program to students in early high school who are usually going to be first generation college students. Your gift will provide for the CCP program.

    Marcus Allen - Volunteer Coordinator

    Hospitality Apartments

    Hospitality Apartments provides free, temporary (2 weeks up to 3 months) housing for families who are facing a health-care crisis and who have a family member receiving treatment at the Texas Medical Center.
    Hospitality Apartments provides free, temporary housing for families who are facing a healthcare crisis and who have a family member receiving treatment at the Texas Medical Center. Your gift will go toward replacement of the electric ranges in each of the 46 apartments.

    Marcie Evans - Volunteer Coordinator

    Houston Food Bank

    More than 1 million people in the 18 southeast Texas counties served by Houston Food Bank are considered food insecure, meaning they lack consistent access to enough nutritious food to fuel a healthy life. In order to address this issue, the Houston Food Bank distributes food and other essentials to those in need through a network of 1,600 community partners. In addition, we also provide programs and services aimed at helping families achieve long-term stability including nutrition education, job training, health management, and help in securing state-funded assistance. 
    The Houston Food Bank provides food for better lives in 18 counties in southeast Texas through 1600 community partners. Your gift will go toward ministry needs.

    Kathy Lipman

    Houston Furniture Bank

    The Houston Furniture Bank’s mission is to furnish hope by making empty houses homes. 

    Houston Pregnancy Help Centers

    Houston Pregnancy Help Centers provide practical and compassionate support to women in unplanned pregnancy situations via their Fifth Ward and Downtown locations as well as their medical mobile van. 
    Houston Pregnancy Help Centers provide practical and compassionate support to women facing unplanned pregnancies via their Fifth Ward and Downtown locations as well as their medical mobile van. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Sandra Ontiveros - Volunteer Coordinator

    Katy Christian Ministries

    Katy Christian Ministries helps local families and individuals fight poverty, food insecurity, domestic violence and sexual assault through their Social Services programs, their Crisis Center, their Food Pantry and Community Garden, and their Resale Store. 
    Katy Christian Ministries helps local families and individuals fight poverty, food insecurity, domestic violence, and sexual assault through their social services programs, crisis center, food pantry, and resale store. Your gift will go toward implementing a new Volunteer Management Software Solution system.

    Diana Miller - Volunteer Coordinator

    Kids’ Meals

    Kids’ Meals delivers free healthy meals to the doorsteps of Houston’s hungriest preschool-aged children. 
    Kids’ Meals delivers free, healthy meals to the doorsteps of Houston’s hungriest preschool-aged children. Your gift will support the purchase and installation of A/C units for the rear cabins of their Meal Delivery Vans.

    Monique Saldana - Volunteer Coordinator

    LifeHouse of Houston

    LifeHouse is a Christian maternity home in southwest Houston that offers women cost-free lodging, meals, pre-natal care, life skills training, counseling, access to work/school, and God’s overwhelming love. The women are cared for until the baby arrives or they secure alternate living arrangements. 
    This Christian maternity home offers women cost-free lodging, meals, pre-natal care, life skills training, and counseling. The women are cared for until the baby arrives or until they secure alternative living arrangements. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Rebecca Brazelton - Volunteer Coordinator

    Loving Kids

    Loving Kids is a collaborative community outreach meeting the physical, mental and spiritual needs of the Acres Homes communities. LovingKids volunteers from the sponsoring churches provide school day tutoring and mentoring as well as periodic service projects including school supplies, landscaping, and other support.
    Loving Kids is a collaborative community outreach that helps meet the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of the Acres Homes communities through programs supporting five elementary schools. Your gift will help upgrade and continue these vibrant programs.

    Perry Elders

    Miracle Farm

    Miracle Farm is a working ranch in rural Washington County that provides a safe environment for boys.  
    Miracle Farm is a working ranch in rural Washington County that provides a safe environment for boys. The school building, built 24 years ago, needs new and durable flooring, fresh coats of paint, and window repairs. Your gift will help purchase new desks and bookshelves as well as go toward needed renovations to the school building.

    Chris Welch - Volunteer Coordinator

    Mission Centers of Houston

    Mission Centers of Houston serves over 37,000 people per year through their food pantry and provides programs for school kids, youth clubs and senior citizens.  
    Mission Centers of Houston serves over 18,000 people per year through their food pantry. About 200 meals are processed each week in the kitchen. Your gift will go toward the renovation of the kitchen at the Gano Mission Center.

    Cheryl Chadwick - Volunteer Coordinator

    Mission Northeast

    Mission Northeast provides food, clothing, and household items to more than 25,000 people who are working to break the cycle of poverty in their lives. 
    Mission Northeast provides food, clothing, and household items to more than 25,000 people who are working to break the cycle of poverty in their lives. Your gift will go toward retrofitting their Ford F550 truck with a refrigerated box to ensure food safety in transport.

    Joe Faulk - Volunteer Coordinator

    Mission of Yahweh

    The Mission of Yahweh offers shelter and many life-changing programs focused on ending the cycle of homelessness and dependency.  
    Through both its residential and community programming, the Mission of Yahweh has a goal to serve more than 400 homeless women and children through housing, basic needs, case management, supportive services, and tailored programming. Your gift will go toward the purchase and installation of six electric hand dryers, the purchase of a steam table for the commercial kitchen, and replacement of a privacy fence.

    Courtney Khorrami - Volunteer Coordinator

    Neighborhood Kidz Club

    Neighborhood Kidz Club serves the residents of 9 apartment complexes and mobile home communities by addressing practical, spiritual, academic and social needs. 
    Neighborhood Kidz Club serves the residents of Western Pines, Garden Villa, Trinity Duval, and The Summit mobile home communities in Katy. Your gift will go toward the purchase, move, and installation of a new single-wide trailer at Western Pines to be used for ministry and office space.

    Beth Barber - Volunteer Coordinator

    Northwest Assistance Ministries

    NAM provides assistance in food, shelter, healthcare, education, safety and financial education needs. 

    Samantha Ancia - Volunteer Coordinator

    Open Door Mission

    This faith and evidence-based recovery and rehabilitation program and facility is dedicated to transforming the lives of the most severely addicted, destitute, homeless and disabled men in our community. 
    This faith- and evidence-based recovery and rehabilitation program and facility is dedicated to transforming the lives of the addicted, destitute, homeless, and disabled men in our community. Your gift will go toward purchasing three HVAC condensing units and air handlers as well as kitchen roof repairs.

    Bill White - Ministries Coordinator

    Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston

    Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston  provides free and confidential care for those facing crisis and unplanned pregnancies. 
    This agency provides free and confidential care for those facing crisis and unplanned pregnancies. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Dina Purdy - Volunteer Coordinator

    Project C.U.R.E.

    Project C.U.R.E. is the largest provider of donated medical supplies and equipment to developing countries around the world. 

    Laura Gibney - Volunteer Coordinator

    Rebuilding Together Houston

    Rebuilding Together Houston enlists community volunteers and licensed contractors to repair the homes of low-income elderly, U.S. Military Veterans, and working families in need. With more than 14,650 neighbors served, we have averaged one family helped per day, each day for 40 years. 
    Rebuilding Together Houston enlists community volunteers and licensed contractors to repair the homes of low-income elderly, U.S. Military Veterans, homeowners with disabilities, and working families in need. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Lenny Difranza - Volunteer Coordinator

    Redeemed Ministries

    Redeemed provides a restoration house that provides specialized, long-term care for human trafficking victims. 

    Dennis Mark

    Rescue America (Houston)

    Rescue America exists to rescue, revive and empower the sexually exploited through a 24/7 hotline and emergency response. 
    Rescue America exists to rescue, revive and empower the sexually exploited through a 24/7 hotline and emergency response. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Lori Hartman - Volunteer Coordinator

    Salvation Army – Adult Rehab Center

    The Adult Rehabilitation Center repairs broken lives of men addicted to alcohol and drugs through a program that includes work therapy, recreation, worship, healthcare, education and counseling, both individual and group.   

    Salvation Army – Center of Hope

    Center of Hope is designed to provide food and emergency or transitional housing to people in need. 

    Volunteers call area command: 713-752-0677

    Salvation Army – Jones Residence

    The Family Residence provides a place of safety and healing for women and children, many of whom are victims of domestic violence, crime and generational poverty. 

    Shirah Villegas - Executive Director


    SEARCH helps individual and families move from the streets into jobs and safe, stable homes. 

    Thao Costis - Volunteer Coordinator

    Sports Quest

    This ministry shares biblical truth to reach, teach, and encourage the next generation leaders through soccer.
    This ministry shares biblical truth to reach, teach, and encourage the next generation leaders through soccer. Your gift will help purchase four full-size soccer goals and Bibles for distribution to kids through the ministry.

    Jim Spence


    SpringSpirit’s 2 locations serves 600 children and their families who live in unsafe, high-density apartment complexes in the Spring Branch area.   
    SpringSpirit weekly serves 600 children and their families who live in unsafe, high-density apartment complexes. Your gift will go toward netting and fence maintenance around the soccer fields at the Campbell Campus location.

    Juan Ramirez - Volunteer Coordinator - Pitner | Ana Mendoza – Volunteer Coordinator - Campbell

    Star of Hope

    Star of Hope is a Christ-centered community dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men, women and their children.
    This Christ-centered community is dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men at the Men’s Development Center, as well as women and their children at the Cornerstone Campus. Educational classrooms are paramount to programs and classes for their clients at the center. Your gift will provide for air conditioning for the educational wing at the Men’s Development Center.

    Star of Hope – Doris and Carloss Morris Men’s Development Center 

    The Star of Hope Men’s Development Center serves more than 360 men each night in the downtown area. 
    This Christ-centered community is dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men at the Men’s Development Center, as well as women and their children at the Cornerstone Campus. Educational classrooms are paramount to programs and classes for their clients at the center. Your gift will provide for air conditioning for the educational wing at the Men’s Development Center.

    Altonette Terrance - Volunteer Coordinator

    Star of Hope – Women & Family Development Center Cornerstone Community

    Star of Hope Women and Family Development Center provides programs to help residents break the generational cycle of abuse, neglect and addiction that traps so many single women and families. 
    This Christ-centered community is dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men at the Men’s Development Center, as well as women and their children at the Cornerstone Campus. Educational classrooms are paramount to programs and classes for their clients at the center. Your gift will provide for air conditioning for the educational wing at the Men’s Development Center.

    Altonette Terrance - Volunteer Coordinator

    Stoney Creek Ranch

    Stoney Creek is a non-denominational Christian camp located in New Ulm, Texas. 
    Stoney Creek is a nondenominational Christian camp located in New Ulm, TX. Hillside, a camp perfectly designed for older teens and better suited to accommodate adult retreat visitors, will include six new cabins. Your gift will help provide cabin furniture for these cabins.

    Chelsi Shoup - Volunteer Coordinator

    SW Baptist Theological Seminary (Darrington Extension Unit)

    The FORGE for Families

    FORGE ministers to members of the local community by sharing the Gospel, closing gaps in education, and strengthening family units. 
    The Forge for Families ministers to members of the local community by sharing the gospel, closing gaps in education, and strengthening family units. Your gift will go toward the purchase of a new van.

    Beth Williams Lee - Volunteer Coordinator

    The Gathering of Men

    The Gathering of Men’s goal is to disciple men to a mature relationship in Jesus Christ through small group discipleship programs and large group gatherings.
    The Gathering of Men’s goal is to disciple men to a mature relationship in Jesus Christ through small group discipleship programs and large group gatherings. Your gift will go toward ministry needs.

    The Source

    The Source for Women offers a wide range of free reproductive health care services to women and their families from two locations:  Spring Branch and the Medical Center. 
    The Source offers free reproductive health care services to women and their families from two locations: Spring Branch and the Medical Center. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Hannah Neathery - Volunteer Coordinator

    Tomball Pregnancy Center

    This non-profit medical clinic offers support for pregnancy related issues and reproductive health education. 
    This non-profit medical clinic offers support for pregnancy-related issues and reproductive health education. Your gift will be used for ministry needs.

    Vosswood Nursing Home

    Vosswood Nursing Home offers residents the ability to enjoy the lifestyle that they are accustomed to while providing levels of care appropriate to their needs.

    Nancy Lyles - Volunteer Coordinator

    West Houston Assistance Ministries

    WHAM helps families in crisis by providing them with food, clothing, employment services and financial help. 
    West Houston Assistance Ministries helps families in crisis by providing them with food, clothing, employment services, and financial help. Your gift will provide for office building maintenance and exterior paintwork.

    Matthew Herrera - Volunteer Coordinator

    WorkFaith Connection

    This ministry equips disadvantaged job seekers with the necessary skills to conduct succesful job searches, despite barriers such as criminal backgrounds, addiction, homelessness, and unstable life patterns. 

    Chelsea Cantrell - Volunteer Coordinator

    Yellowstone Academy

    Yellowstone Academy provides a high-quality Christian education to inner city students in the Third Ward. 
    Yellowstone Academy provides a high-quality Christian education to inner city students in the Third Ward. A reading nook inside the new library to include seating, shelving, partitions, and specific books is planned. Your gift will go toward the reading nook and related resources.

    Maricela Ramos - Volunteer Coordinator

    Missions Offering Goal: $1.75M

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    Missions Offering Goal: $1.75M

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